VDA 306 (04/2013)

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VDA 306: Definition von Diagrammen zur Auswertung von Bremsgeräuschdaten/Prüfstand / Definition of charts for the evaluation of brake noise data/Dynamometer (Version 04/2013) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2

This guideline defines charts for the evaluation of brake noise.
It is valid only for test runs with a brake assembly on the brake tester or for vehicles on the dynamometer.
In the examination of several brakes, charts are to be used individually for the respective brake data.

Charts for the evaluation of brake noise have been created from many different perspectives. They often illustrate similar facts in dis-similar ways. This can cause irritation during the normal course of a project.
In this guideline, the presentation of similar facts or commonly used charts is standardized.
In the future, misunderstandings between development partners due to misinterpretation of measurement data should be minimized in this way.
A basis is thus created for the project work for presenting measured data in an integrated manner and describing them in a transparent form to all development partners.