VDA 450 (in Bearbeitung/ in progress)

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VDA 450: Energiebordnetz für automatisiertes Fahren / tba

This recommendation is still in progress. If you have questions concerning the progress, please contact Lukas Nulle.


Lukas D. Nulle


Technical Officer Homologation, Certification and Legislation

Department of Automotive Technologies and Eco-systems


German Association of the Automotive Industry

Behrenstr. 35, 10117 Berlin




Description / Background:

From a certain degree of automation, systems for automated driving require redundant structures in sensor technology, information processing and actuator technology. In addition to a fault-tolerant bus architecture, this also requires a redundant electrical power supply. To ensure this, there are different approaches that lead to different requirements for the components and topologies. If components at different voltage levels are considered, the possible implementation variants are further increased. Currently, there are no uniform minimum requirements defined for the power supply system.




Despite the different implementation options, the goal is to define a minimum safety standard for the electrical power supply system. For this purpose, the following points are considered, which lead to the creation of a VDA recommendation on the minimum requirements for the electrical power supply for automated driving:


  • In the project, the different minimum requirements of the OEMs and supplier industry for the safety of the power supply of AD systems and their components are collected and discussed and a cross-company minimum requirement set for the "electrical power supply for automated driving" is to be created.

o Minimum requirements for the power supply from AD Level 3 to AD Level 5

o Specific requirements for passenger cars / light commercial vehicles / trucks / trailers

o Consideration of all relevant low voltage levels (12V, 24V, 48V, ...)


  • Consideration of possible topologies, definition of the power supply interfaces and possible internal and external failure modes / types
  • Consideration of the effects of ISO 26262 and its derivations on the vehicle electrical power supply system
  • Coordination and support of the VDA Working Group (e.g. questions about the energy supply of AD components, preparation of VDA position papers, requirements for the on-board energy network) x
  • Check whether international regulations (e.g. ECE, NHTSA ...) with regard to the power supply for automated driving are affected or arise from these requirements
  • Definition of a follow-up strategy after publication of the VDA recommendation: e.g. ISO standardization
  • For the resulting VDA recommendation, the breakdown into the following aspects is planned:


    • Derivation and interpretation of ISO 26262 for the electrical power supply system
    • Requirements for the electrical power supply from the safety-relevant functions and systems of automated driving
    • Safety goals, functional and technical requirements for the elements of the electrical power supply system 
      • Active separating and connecting elements
      • Energy Converter
      • Energy Sources
      • Passive connecting elements
      • Safety-relevant consumers such as braking and steering functions
      • Consumers that are not relevant to safety