VDA 675-301 (11/2020)

Prices excl. VAT 
VDA 675-301: Elastomerbeständigkeit - Bestimmung des Verhaltens gegen Prüföle / Elastomer compatibility - Determination of the behaviour against fluids (Version 11/2020) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2

This recommendation defines the test procedure for determining the changes in elastomers due to exposure to test oils.

The procedure can be used for the purpose

-        to carry out suitability tests on various elastomers that are suitable for such an application (quality determination).

-        to carry out comparative tests on diffe rent delivery batches of a certain elastomer quality (quality as       surance).

The tests are preferably carried out with the standard test specimen described in section 3.1. Taking into account the influence of the specimen shape (thickness, volume, shape factor and others) and the specimen condition (vulcanization skin on all sides or on one side, grinded surface and others), the test can also be carried out on finished parts. Test comparisons can only be made on specimens of the same geometry

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